Report Page of the Report Wizard

Use the Report page of the Report wizard to select the type of report to run and the file to run the report on.


Field Description
Show Reports

Use this field to filter the list of displayed reports. Select one of the following options:

  • All — Select this option to display all of the reports you have permission to see. These include your personal reports and the reports shared with you. At a minimum, you must have read permission to a report.
  • Personal — Select this option to filter the list of reports displayed to only the reports that you own.
  • Shared — Select this option to filter the list of reports displayed to only the reports that you do not own but have permission to see.

All reports in Cobra belong to categories. These categories help you organize reports in a meaningful way. Select a category to filter the list of reports in the grid:

  • All
  • Ancillary
  • Audit
  • Column
  • Export
  • Format
  • Graphic
  • Planning
  • Time-phased
Note: Reports with no assigned category can be found in the All category.

Select a report to run. You cannot run more than one report at a time.


This column displays the report description.


Report information displays below the grid.


Click to select a valid Cobra file to run the report against. This field is required.

You can select only files that are valid for the selected report. The list of options in the File field depends on the report you select from the Reports grid. For example, if you select a Calendar report, the File field displays a list of calendar files.

For project reports such as the Crosstab, you can select either a single project or a master project.

Cobra selects the default value in the File field according to the following rules:
  • When the active view is in the file list that is valid for the selected report (for example, Project, Calendar, or Rates), this field displays the currently selected file as the default value.

  • When the active view is an opened file (for example, Project, Calendar, or Rates), this field displays the currently opened file as the default value.

  • In all other cases, this field displays the most recently opened file that is valid for the selected report as the default value. If you have not opened any files that are valid for the selected report, this field displays the last file you selected in the Report wizard that is valid for the selected report.


This button is enabled only if the selected report is a saved report, meaning that it has all of the criteria needed to run. Click Next or Finish to run the report.